Resurrecting this mummy!

I’m coming back to life to resume reviewing and live blogging activities as well as to complain about (or maybe spork) Philippa Gregory’s books because they bother me so much omg. Also I need to show off  my Animal Crossing houses and cry about my landscaping troubles (EFFING BLUE ROSES, COME ON).

Also, you should know I made a writing/art(?) blog.  Naturally, the first things that came up were Michael/Jamie and I really do mean to post all of it this time and not get sick of it.  I also mean to flesh out the universe it’s set in, because I have delusions of grandeur and YEARS’ worth of material. A lot of it will be unbeta-ed swill from that main universe, and random ideas I still need to flesh out (using the power of kundiman to defend the City of Manila from the shadow dancers, yay).  But maybe eventually something readable will arise.

That is all!

Resurrecting this mummy!

So, uh…

I really did forget all about this blog!  Ah, well.  I’ll use the excuse that I had to travel a lot for work for the last three months prior to December and most of the places I went to one way or another suffered horrible calamities and I simply never felt like blogging in the face of all that worry and stress.

Anyway, the past few months, for entertainment, I’ve been mostly playing games (Animal Crossing: New Leaf still and Pokemon X — also still) and I’ve only managed to cross off one on my anime-to-watch list (K) which neither impressed or disappointed me enough to warrant a proper review.  The only thing I have to say about it is that I initially thought it would be like Durarara! in terms of overall being annoying to me, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that it had a bit more of a plot that didn’t feel like it was put together from random tropes just to be cool.  However, the plot and the world didn’t quite pull me in enough and it felt like the characters were a bit thin and not properly fleshed out (but pretty, I guess).  Perhaps I should read all the accompanying material to get a better feel of everything, but then that only means that the anime didn’t do a good enough job on its own.

I did manage to get all caught up on Bleach (when is it ever going to end?) and decided to re-read Detective Conan on a whim.  Because it’s not like I have a huge enough TBR pile that I can’t ignore it for something I’ve already read before.  Nope, not a huge pile at all.

Maybe next I’ll pick up Claymore where I last left off…

…If I ever manage to take a break from being a Mayor on a quest to be the very best that no one ever was.

So, uh…

Writing Post

I’ve lately been considering getting a new domain (and keeping it up this time!) mainly for the fact that I want a place where I can post my original fiction without worrying that the site I publish it to would one day change their ToS and decide that they now own my stuff.  I’m not too concerned about people stealing them via reposting under their own name (lol why would anyone want to, even) but I just want to have a space that I can call my own and the only person with actual permission to reproduce the contents or use them would be me.

I don’t really think of wanting to publish my work, really.  I just want a) a small audience willing to critique or comment so I can get better and b) to set free the damn things and have them be “finished” so I won’t feel the need to rewrite them every month or so.  The latter is very frustrating as it makes it hard to move on to new projects.

Well, I suppose I’ll figure out what I want to do eventually.  I’m sure it would be easier than deciding if I want to do NaNoWriMo this year, if I want to do original fic or fanfic for NaNoWriMo, or even if I will have any story idea at all.

Writing Post

gentlemen, and gentlemen bastards


Recently, I bought the third book in Scott Lynch’s Gentlemen Bastards series, The Republic of Thieves. It’s currently my favourite fantasy series because it’s funny, it’s well-written, has intelligent twists, and is tightly plotted. The characters are great — though I do wish it had more amazing girls, but it looks like we’re finally meeting Sabetha in this book and I am excited!

I’ve only managed to read the first two pages, though. I blame it on the fact that I purchased it on the same day as Pokemon X and the cry of Pikachu was just too strong to resist. (But now I intend to restart my game because I realized that I would rather have a different starter and — well — I’m taking a brief break before I do.). Anyway, despite only reading the first two pages, I found myself thrown back to the Camorr life all too easily. So easily, I even dreamt of Camorr in all it’s Venetian-expy glory (now with extra sharks! For your entertainment!) the same night.

On a side note, I had no idea that Scott Lynch and Elizabeth Bear were a thing! Who knew? (Besides the people who read the blurb, I mean.)

gentlemen, and gentlemen bastards

3, 2, 1, let’s jam!

My thought process has become somewhat of a mess lately compared to back during the time I was actively blogging (as opposed to tweeting or tumblring or flailing or complaining on LiveJournal) so I thought I’d give this whole blogging thing another go.

In the past I’ve pretty much failed at actually getting far with WordPress blogs. Mostly because I get too caught up in the layout, organization and design aspects which were influenced by my obsession with categories to actually make content. So until this thing gains proper momentum, and possibly even after, I’m just going to accept the limitations of the free themes and do my best to let the words stand on their own, as they should in blogs.

Also, since I spent the last few years stuck in one particular fandom (Japanese boybands), I have failed to keep up with my former blog topics: books, anime, manga, movies, and music. So this will also be my way of keeping my thoughts and opinions on those things organized as well as to get me back in the habit of reflecting upon the media that I consume. Perhaps I will post about more personal things as well — travel, pets, and other hobbies. Whatever comes to mind.

So for now, this is my Hello, World! Part N!

3, 2, 1, let’s jam!